Sunday, 3 November 2013

Sunday Dinner

So, with K in China yet again, the quality of the food Chez Vickers must be maintained.  And because its a man cooking (me), it gets documented and shared.

the recipe
the garden's contribution
the healthy stuff (minus the pear, fennel, walnuts and mozarella - they come later)
the not so healthy stuff (yum)
just add salmon
H and O (and I) loved it; W congratulated me on the baked beans.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Fun Roads

The Cygnet in flood - 900mm at its deepest (by the level on the car)

North Coast Road

Return to sunshine

Northwest corner of the island


Looking back at the photos from my last post I am remembering that after a very wet day we snuck in that quick walk at The Bay of Shoals and enjoyed it immensely.  Sandpipers, sea eagles, fossils, a sea creature we hadn't seen before and a windmill and old limestone walled reservoir were among the highlights of a very atmospheric walk (some, but not all, pictured below)