Monday, 30 January 2012

Australia Day Long Weekend

Being non-traditionalists, we usually head up to the mountains for Australia Day - but this year the offer of some accomodation at Mollymook saw us head down to the beach for a few days - despite the forecast of rain.

The surf was good, water warm and the skies eventually cleared - but not before I captured some of the colours of the coast under a grey sky.

Once the weather cleared we had a traditional couple of beach days - sun, surf, sand and lots of swimming, in one case, unwittingly with an enormous stingray.

The last day the wind picked up and chased us off the beach so we headed home via the backtracks under the Budawangs.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

La Nina Summer

The weather has been a bit off and on again with summer failing to fire properly.  We even had snow on the alps nearby and a night of 1.6 degrees in Canberra.  Little wonder the tomatoes haven't really been doing too well. And we did save a few apricots from the brown mould, but only a few.

The beans, however, are delivering.

Last weekend we had the car packed for the beach before realising the weather was just going to be wet and miserable all day.  So a quick change of plans and it was off to see the Renaissance exhibition at the National Gallery.  Lovely colours and very interesting but the subject matter was often not my thing at all.

Hoping for a late blast of real summer.

Sunday, 1 January 2012


A full day working in the garden on New Years' Eve left me too tired to go out partying - but the garden looked good.

New Years' Day it was off to the beach on one of the first nice beach days of summer. Of course it looked like it had always been perfect, but we went down a few days earlier and it was grey and, well, cold.

Not today - North Durras looking its best.