Sunday, 25 December 2011

Friday, 23 December 2011

The Christmas Holidays

. . . are finally here!
pine forest single track
With the return of La Nina summer has been wet so far.  Good bike riding weather through the bush and pine forests.

bush single track
Mushrooms and toadstools are doing their thing

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

End Of The Year

Oliver graduated from primary school
And William began Ninja training

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Oliver's Birthday

Well its been well and truly back to reality over the last month: Lots of children's school things, being busy at work, lots to do in the garden, lots of catching up with friends.

On Tuesday Oliver turned twelve so we had a chocolate moose cake with some raspberries from the garden to celebrate.

Tuesday Birthday Cake - another coming on the weekend
First of the season's raspberries
Oliver got a laptop so he was pleased.  Henri was less pleased as his laptop succumbed to the dreaded Katusha virus and after many hours trying to disinfect it had to be re-imaged.

And Katherine and I continued our diet - seafood, salads and only fruit based deserts.
And they say diets don't work